A Good Upper Jaw M1 Molar of a Southern Mammoth

Weight: 1100 gr / 2.4 lbs
Length: 17 cm / 6.7 in
Width: 6 cm / 2.4 in
Height: 16 cm / 6.3 in
Item Code: 3348
Latin Name: Mammuthus meridionalis
Find site: Hungary (sand extraction area around Budapest)
Age: approximately 800,000 - 1,000,000 years old
This is a good M1 molar from the right upper jaw of a juvenile Southern Mammoth, or Mammuthus meridionalis. With a shoulder height of approx 4 metres (13 feet), this is one of the largest species of Mammoth to have ever lived. It is also much older and very much rarer than the more commonly encountered Woolly Mammoth. This is a good example of a juvenile animal, missing one ridge but otherwise in good condition as seen in the images. No restoration whatsoever. The black and white section of the ruler in the image represents 10 cm (3.9 inch).
Shipping: US$ 40 for the European Union, US$ 65 for the rest of the world.
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